Who we are


Data Sanitization

Privacy laws, regulations, and policies mandate that personally identifiable information (PII) must be protected, and that unauthorized access to this information must be reported. PII is any information about an individual maintained by an organization that can be used to distinguish or trace an individual‘s identity or can be linked or linkable to an individual.

While not necessarily mandated by privacy laws, regulations, and policies, the unauthorized access of company confidential and proprietary information can potentially be even more damaging.

Revert’s Data Sanitization and Enterprise IT Asset Disposition Services are specifically designed to ensure compliance with data privacy laws, regulations, and policies that require data storage be sanitized to prevent unauthorized access to NPI, PII, and PHI during the data and/or IT asset retirement stages.

Electronic Waste Management

Worldwide IT spending is projected to total $3.9 trillion in 2020, a 3.4 percent increase from 2019, according to Gartner, Inc. Hardware becomes obsolete or unwanted, often within 1- 3 years of purchase. Approximately 50 million tons of e-waste is generated each year, but unfortunately, only 20 percent of all e-waste is recycled.

Revert’s Enterprise IT Asset Disposition Service ensures compliance with local, state, and federal legislation and industry regulations for electronic waste disposal and responsible recycling.

Green IT

Unlike electronic waste, energy efficiency is more difficult to quantify. According to the University of Michigan’s Center for Sustainable Systems, electricity used for U.S. servers and data centers creates 103 billion pounds CO2e annually.

Revert’s Enterprise IT Asset Disposition Service helps reduce carbon footprint and ensures compliance with local, state, and federal legislation and industry regulations for electronic waste disposal and recycling.